
Hey guys:

Today I want to discuss about what I learn so far in this class. In this class, I found out how to use resources to help me write my works. During the investigation of my work, I’m not just finish my work, but also learning more abut my work, but also learning more to explore my knowledge. Though out the course, I practice more about how to do my writing and also how to find resource to help my writing. This course also help me understand how those science writer do the research, how to gather their information, and also how to publish their work.

I have got a lot help from Ms.Jane. For example, after reading my technical description paper, she sent me her comments.

“Review the assignment requirements. Remember to clearly indicate the nature and scope of your description. This section will also include information about your target audience, the knowledge level of your audience and why your audience might need this description.

Please add bolded topic headings, photos/visuals, and bullet points. Remember your audience. Engage them visually! Please add a link to any visuals you include in the paper.

Please provide all sources used beyond your own words and understanding of how cat herbs effect cats in a works cited page (see CCNY writing center online resources for help). Your works cited page should connect to quotes and in-text citations used within the body of your paper.

Re-read your paper (aloud) for clarity’s sake. “

And also for the final draft of my paper,

“In your final version you have added (adorable)pictures of cats but you have neglected to include links to these visuals. In my first draft emailed comments I suggested you add bolded topic headings and/or bullet points – this would have added to the readability and design of your paper.

Remember that the assignment requires the “how” of something – how exactly do cat herbs effect cats? It seems that this subject may have benefited from a veterinarian’s input, especially as to the very specific responses (the effect) that certain herbs have on cats.

Please be careful about repeating information to fill out the assignment requirements. Also, whenever you cite an expert or quote someone’s words, you must provide a works cited page. You clearly care about cats and your enthusiasm for research comes through – you just need to conquer the mechanics of the assignment requirements. ”

And also for my scientific rhetorical paper, she also give me some comments.

“Please remember to be as specific as possible about the authors and the publication of this research report. This excerpt below will lead you to the publishers of Nature/International Journal of Science and their mission and history, editorial board, etc.. which will help you determine their audience.

Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Visit this page to find out about the quality, rigour, reach and service offered by Scientific Reports.

Your paper should analyze the IMRAD format of the report — see page 94 of the textbook for review. ”

This is for my first draft, and next will be for my final draft.

“Your rhetorical analysis of (an interesting) research report should name all of the authors (as the sample essay did) and be very specific about the audience (look at the authors’ reference page). Defining Ethology would give you a good clue. I wonder if psychologists, veterinarians, and pediatricians might be the specific audience(s) for this research?

You do a decent job of reviewing the report but you rely too heavily on quotes; try instead, to summarize in your own words. The third paragraph of the introduction mentions mothers, infants younger than one year, and realistic looking dolls – it does not mention dogs and jealous behavior until the following paragraph. Did you try following the three moves in CARS method to explain the authors’ rhetorical strategies? How do the authors identify the situation, problem, and solution? ”

For my science controversy paper:

“You are off to a good start. You’ve written a strong introduction. Remember to use your own words, and, throughout your paper, whenever you cite facts (about temperatures in London, for instance) remember to credit the source.

Please try to focus on the debate itself and analyze the controversy and why it exists. In your annotated bibliography, don’t forget a sentence or two about the authors.”

Comments for final draft:

“You do a good job of presenting information about global warming and the human factor related to it. You also make suggestions about possible solutions for how humans can be better stewards for the environment – but as far as this controversy goes, who are those who believe that global warming exists (with the human factor, a cause) and those who don’t?

Your mention of the hacker in England is an excellent example of how the public is misled and/or confused about the science on global warming. What do renowned scientists have to say on the subject? What is the U.S. government saying specifically about climate change? What is the Paris Agreement? Why did the U.S. pull out of it?

Please remember to use your own words and when you don’t or whenever you cite science facts that are not common knowledge (about temperatures in London, for instance) credit/quote the source.

Your annotated bibliography should follow the specific format as explained in class (summary, analysis of the author’s credibility and why and where in the paper you will use each listed source). The purpose of the annotations in a bibliography is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Jon Erdman, Dennis Fast, and Laishram Sherjit Singh are included in your annotated bibliography – remember that these listed sources should be cited within your paper. ”

For every paper, I will got two comments from Ms,Jane for my first draft and final draft. And for our final collaboration project, I have done three journal entries about our process.
During this work, my part is to investigate how social media will effect people physically.

“Right now, we are going very smooth on our group work. For this spring break, we have clearly know what each of us need to do. My part is investigate about Why are anxiety and Depression disorders rising in teens, does social media cause depression, and why we should focus about teens’ mental health. Because i though our project first draft is due on 4/29,so I did a rough draft for my part. For me, I probably finish about 50% of my part.

I will use rest of my time to fix and edits my draft. We are planning to do a meeting before we finish and hand in our final draft. Yesterday we have discuss on class about outline of our work. Right now, we haven’t met any difficulties yet. we also set up a group chat for us to communicate each other.”

“As deadline getting closer, we are working more together about our project. During those past days, we shared our resources and we also trade each other’s suggestion about each one’s part work. For today, I almost forgot our deadline, but thankful for Hanane because she send a message about printing out a hard copy to give to you on tomorrow. That remind me, and I can fix my work by taking my partners’ suggestion.

I still are a little uncomfortable with group work, cause I have to match other people’s step. But I also like the part that we work together and shared our opinion for other’s. I think after this semester on this course I did learn a lot about how to make my paper better. Sometimes when I work on our group project, I feel more relax about my work cause, I can get help from my partner. Well, that is what I though about this work.”

“Finally, today everything is overed. We are very nervous about today‘s presenting. For me, my responsibility is write how social media cause depression. And during presenting, I believe I have explain very clearly about it. Today, everyone in this group I believe they are the best. We conquered many problem we face, like how to wrote articl, how to present, and what things we need to make.

To be hones, I never believe that we can have any more connect after this semester. When we are done with today’s work. I saw a message been sent to our group chat that touched me. It’s like facing a graduation. We grow together and become better. And we will keep follow our dream. Thank you Ms.Jane, for everything you done and everything you tough us. I‘m graceful about this semester, I‘m very happy that I learn something in this course, instead of walk out with empty hands.”

As our project is working, Ms, Jane also had sent out email to help us to do better. She read our journal entry and give us comments.

“Collaboration is not easy and I was happy to see that your efforts paid off in the presentation. I was very impressed with what you had to say and you also did a good job of fielding questions from your audience. Humor added a lot to the presentation,too. Hanane’s opening questions worked very well.

I’m glad you learned something this semester, Shuyu. I did too. I was very impressed that you spoke up and challenged your classmate’s assertion about India and China. You were calm and level-headed — which is the best approach to use in a challenge. Your words resonated for your classmates and me. Thank you.”

In this semester, I grew up faster than I expected. During this semester, I not only learned a lot of scientific knowledge, but also expanded my social circle. I know a lot of friends, we grow up and learn together. Sometime I will be struggle about my work about writing, at that time I will went to writing center to looking for help. During the writing, I always using library resources, online databases, and the internet to locate sources appropriate to my writing.

After peer review, I always can get some useful suggestion from my classmate or my professor. By doing my work, I really practice a lot about how to summarize author’s work and explain in my own work which hep me further understand about my topic. I also began to know that when I’m writing a science article, I need to be clear about my audience. After all, I really get a lot from this course.